Sunday, June 13, 2010

Meet the Cake Lingerie Real Mums - the faces (and bumps!) behind the Real Mums, Real Fit campaign

We are absolutely stoked to properly introduce you to the Cake Lingerie Real NZ Mums!  Follow the link here to learn a little but more about each of these gorgeous women.

It was a pleasure and a challenge to put together the whole campaign in New Zealand for Cake Lingerie. The photo shoot went absolutely without a hitch – a piece of Cake you might say!

Our highlight moments from the search and photo shoot:

* We were travelling back a speaking engagement in Tauranga and discussing the shoot, due to take place the next day and we'd just said we really need a little something to add a difference for some of the shots. Just then we passed through Paeroa and an antique shop with the most perfect antique dolls pram parked outside. It was spooky in it's timing and we couldn't resist it and it made a very cute addition to the shoot.

* We loved photographing the kids and the mums together. There's nothing like blowing some bubbles to bring out the laughter and smiles!

* Watching gorgeous Mums salsa dance in their underwear with cupcakes at 9 oclock on a Sunday morning isn't something you see every day.

* A highlight for everyone was meeting Alisha’s 10 week old twins who were there for the entire shoot and were such angels!

* Working with Lisa at ImageME, what a total pro. Now we know first-hand why she is a People Photographer of the Year award winner.

* Meeting Chanel for the first time (there’s a leap of faith) after she flew in from Dunedin was a memorable moment for us.

* It was great to see the husband's reactions at seeing their wives in full photoshoot mode when they dropped the kids in near the end of the shoot.

A big thanks to:

* Tracey and Keith from Cake Lingerie
* The Langham Hotel
* ReachME for the fantastic prize packs for our 10 finalists
* Lisa Crandall at ImageME
* Nykie Grove-Eades for behind the scenes shots of the day
* Delish Cupcakes
* Sara from Seb Makeup
* and of course our fantastic Real Mums - Alisha, Chanel, Debbie and Maree

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